Today is March 3, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Well, well, well! Two things happened this week that make us mighty proud. Yes, indeed- we are mighty proud of ourselves. Although they say one should not pat one’s self on the back, we are two, so we will induldge in a little back patting.

First off, major props to Alex Herrera, UTJ cyber rebbe for his yoeman’s efforts at creating a new “face” for the Kosher Nexus blog. We realize that this new face will take some adjusting to, but we think you will grow to love it.

In our format, we have added two new celebrity writers.

For many years now, the person hiding behind the recipes that come out of the KN test kitchens has been Andrea Herrera. Many of you know, that particularly at Pesach time, Andrea has been a major resource for us on the Operation Pesach hot line. When people phone and ask for a recipe for something or other for Pesach, we turn to Andrea. As time goes by, she will begin posting recipes on our blog.

Leonard DiPietro will occupy the Maestro Leonardo spot on our blog. Lenny is a gourmet cook who truly believes that the words kosher and gourmet are not an oxymoron. Lenny will share his shopping finds, his insights to wines, and some of his gourmet recipes, too. Lenny is a good ol boy who just happens to hail from the Jewish community of Italy. You will find that he will be our own Molto Mario!! Watch for Lenny’s stuff!

Second, we hit a major milestone this month. As you know, the KN blog started officially on March 1, 2004. Prior to that, we began actually writing stuff a month earlier. Some people actually found us while we were in beta format and their comments were most helpful. This month, we will receive our 50,000th hit. Yes, you read that correctly. Fifty thousand hits. How can we ever thank you enough? Well, for starters, we give you our new “face.”
