Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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This just in from Kosher Today:

Honey Pizza Introduced for Rosh Hashanah


Honey pizza? The Sbarro pizza chain is marking the Rosh Hashanah holiday with its own flavor ? a honey and pomegranate pizza. Sbarro told Maariv that the pizza combines the sweetness of honey with the tart flavor of pomegranates and apples. The pie is baked with a topping of mozzarella cheese. A recent article on the Ynet site of Yediot Achronot reported that the 1,200 pizzerias in the country are constantly innovating in the competition for new and return patrons. Among the new offers are a diet pizza, fish and meat toppings and Alfredo style toppings as well.
Puhleeze! And we thought lox and pineapple pizza in Los Angeles was the nadir of pizza toppings!

Hey boys and girls- at some point it ceases to be pizza!