Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We recently tried two new teas from Israel. From Wissotzky Tea, these two new flavors were the hit of our shabbes table this past week.

First we tried Limonana. We love Nana tea. What could be bad about Nana tea with lemon?? Indeed it was quite good.

Then we tried the Passionfruit/melon tea and it was enchantingly wonderful. The aroma alone was enough to send us into an alternate universe of peace, relaxation, and good will to all mankind. Or something like that!!

We had them brought back from Israel, and we have not yet seen them here, but stay tuned. Hey, it took a while before the Vanilla Tea made it to our shores, so be patient. Or do what we did- have someone bring it back from Israel.

Daughter Tali (aka TR2) said that our baby boomer-ness was showing as we exclaimed how wonderful the new teas are. She may be on to something there. Try them- you’ll like them!