Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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One of our readers received the following- somewhat belated- response from the cRc:

“You may note that we have had the company’s home page altered to be more specific in terms of the nature of the Kosher Pets products.”

As we pointed out in our last post, however, the additional paragraph that the company added to their web page still comes after the paragraph that states that the product is (in bold letters) kosher. They should not be allowed to call themselves kosher. They are not kosher, plain and simple. Even the cRc admits that the product is not kosher. So why, then, do they get away with calling themselves kosher?

The cRc letter continues:

“Our Rabbinic and support staff are all Yorei Shomayim; we are interested only in proper kosher certification of products for kosher consumers. In agreement with our oversight committee and the Av Beis Din, we granted the endorsement of Kosher Pets in order to fill a need – Yidden were unknowingly violating the issur of bashur v’cholev and on Pesach had chometz in their position in the form of pet foods. It was our decision to allow this endorsement to go forward in order to provide consumers a reliable product that is regularly checked by our mashgichim to insure that there are no issurim in this product.”

We take no exception with that. Except for one small suggestion- don’t let them call the product kosher. Even with the caveat that it is not kosher for humans, the matter simply becomes confusing. Let them say that the product is halachically acceptable for Jewish people to serve to their pets. But don’t use the word kosher.

The cRc still has to do more to correct this matter.