Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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If you look back to our last entry on the Kosher Pets ( / cRc ( certification issue (Aug 4), you will see a new letter added by a reader. Ms. Gershona Marcus sent mail to Kosher Pets and received a most interesting reply. Ms. Marcus alludes to her letter, but we thought a brief excerpt would serve most graphically to illustrate the matter:
(Ms. Marcus’s text and the response from Kosher Pets are interspaced below.)

“…Kibbles Shmibbles was NOT listed, is it kosher?

Yes, the “Kibbles Shmibbles” are in fact our Kosher Poultry Meal Dinner

Thank you for your help,
Mrs. Marcus

Thank you for caring,
The KosherPets Team “
There it is- a blatant misuse of the term kosher. Kosher Pets is NOT kosher. It is halachically acceptable food for Jewish people to feed to their pets. We truly believe that the cRc needs to change this misleading situation at once!