Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Beef and veal prices are expected to climb 10.0% to 11.0% during 2004 — two percentage points higher than projected last month according to just-released USDA data. Poultry prices meanwhile, are projected to rise 6.0% to 7.0% — compared to the 4.5% to 5.5% gain forecast one month ago. Overall, however, USDA projects food-at-home prices will rise 3.5% to 4.5% this year. Through July 1, the Consumer Price Index for food-at-home was up 4.2%. That’s still considerably more than 2.4% increase in the overall CPI during the same period, however.


Good grief! Could kosher meat be any more expensive? Of course we all know that just about now butchers will start raising their prices as people begin to buy for yom tov. So, boys and girls, the answer is: “Yes. Meat prices can be any more expensive!” But,hey, it’s always good to be in on a trend. For those of us who buy kosher meat, this is one trend we would have gladly avoided.

There is a small ray of sunshine, however. The cost of veggies rose much LESS than projected. So offset the increase in meat prices by eating more veggies and less meat. Instead of roast beast for yom tov, have a portobello mushroom “steak.” (ugh!)