Today is March 4, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We were reading one of the myriad of food mags to which we subscribe (some food mags, others mags about the food industry), when one article caught our eye. The title of the article was something along the lines of LIME IS THE NEW LEMON.

That was a real eye opener. We had no idea that when we bought lime flavored diet coke, we were ahead of a new and emerging national trend. We always wanted to be trendy, and now we are!

It seems that lemon freshened this, and lemon flavored that is OUT. Lime is IN. Lime is the new lemon!

Lime accented salsa is all the rage these days. And a twist of lime is now de rigeur on salads, drinks, and what-have-you. Hey, who knows, maybe any day now we will see a TV commercial for lime flavored Glade. “Why just shine your fine furniture when you can leave the whole house smelling orchard fresh with the tantalizing scent of fresh lime?”

Key Lime Pie now becomes the preferred dessert. Can lime tea be far off? Frankly, we love the taste of lime and find that it adds much to many foods. Not pot roast, however. DO NOT put lime on your pot roast. Or in your cholent. Other than that, you are free to experiment.