Today is February 26, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Here is the latest in food news:

White tea edges out green tea in the healing properties department. Yes, it is true. While green tea is known for its healing properties, white tea can even destroy in vitro the organisms that cause disease. Wow!

Look closely at the seedless red grapes in your supermarket. Many of them are actually Muscat grapes. You can spot these Muscat grapes by their raspberry red skin. They tend to be brighter than other grapes (education will do that). Often they are sold as Sweet Scarlets. They are definitely a taste treat!

Tangerine peels (No, not a new facial. We mean actual tangerine rind.)contain an amazing amount of a compound known to lower LDL cholesterol. Researchers have discovered that PMFs are a very potent and effective tool for reducing cholesterol. In fact, it is more effective than some prescription drugs, and has no side effects!A person would need to drink 20 cups of OJ a day to achieve the same effect. Of course, by then that person would have passed out from all the sugar!

Low Carb Wine: No, it has not hit the kosher market yet, but it is out there, so kosher can’t be too far behind! There are two kinds of low carb wine (Chardonnay and Merlot), and each has 1.6 carbs per five ounce glass. Give the kosher market some time to catch up!

This summer marks the 100th anniversary of the hamburger. This quintessential American dish made its debut at the St. Louis World’s Fair one hundred years ago. Whew, and not a moment too soon, either!

And as long as we’re talking about burgers, let’s talk about beer. It turns out that beer is actually good for you if you are a middle aged man or a pre menopausal woman; ie, a baby boomer.

It seems that a moderate amount of beer improves circulation of the hormones that prevent atherosclerosis.

Where was this info when we were in college??