Today is March 5, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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The EU has launched a campaign called E A T- European Authentic Tastes. We obviously do not know how much this will affect the kosher market, if at all, but in the meanwhile, you might as well learn the new designations. Blue and yellow logos will begin appearing on European products very shortly. This is what they will say:

PDO- Protected Designation of Origin. This means that the product is tightly connected to territory. It further means that the product must be produced, processed, and prepared in a specific region using traditional methods.

PGI- Protected Geographical Indication. This is a less stringent certification than PDO, but still demands that the product be made in the geographical region to which its name testifies. Only one stage of production need be in the region. The raw materials could be from somewhere else.

TSG- Tradtional Specialty Guaranteed. The product was produced using traditional production methods, but not in the place whereafter it is named.

Watch for the new designation labels in a store near you!!