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April 15, 2004 at 9:41:51a.m.

Ever think you would see a purple tomato? Wanna try one? Well, pretty soon you will be able to buy a purple tomato. These babies were bred at Oregon State University. So, what’s the big deal? Remember all those reports about how purple and blue veggies are really good for you because they are high in anti-oxidants? Well, these tomatoes are loaded with anthocyanins (source of the blue color) which, in turn, load the tomato with anti-oxidant power! You get a whole lot of color to your salad and eat healthier, too!

In international tomato news, there is a new tomato out of the Galapagos Islands. The Kumato is black! It is super sweet and is loaded with vitamin C and anti-oxidants. According to people who have tried the Kumato, it is also a powerful aphrodisiac. But, hey, don’t take our word for it. Try one yourself!

Finally, in the realm of useless tomato information: in the United States, per capita consumption of tomatoes is 89 pounds. Bet you didn’t think you ate so many tomatoes last year, did you?