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April 4, 2004 at 4:08:48p.m.

… Or at least, making a list of where I hid the chametz so that I can be sure of finding it all later on tonight! (Ah, the joys of growing older!)

So here it is almost. The roast beast is cooked, the meat balls are simmering, the chicken is roosting in the oven, the matzah balls are light and fluffy. The soup is a “mechiyeh.” The chutney is to die for. Not to make too big a deal out of it, but the tzimmes is ready, the farfel and ‘shrooms is ready, and all systems are go!

The table will be set tomorrow morning just after we burn the chametz. And another Pesach countdown will begin.

Here’s to you and yours for a kosher un ziessen pesach. Don’t sit on the afikoman! We hope to see you again in a few days. Until then, chag kasher v’sameach. May your seders be meaningful, and we hope that at least some of what we posted this pre-pesach season was helpful to you.