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March 2, 2004 at 10:56:10a.m.

Every now and then we are able to pierce the veil of secrecy that shrouds the mysterious “K” found on some food items. Who is that masked “K?” And why is s/he hiding behind the eleventh letter of the alphabet? Well, today we get to “out” a few “K”s.

The “K” on Kellogg’s is the KVH. Kellogg’s is from Battle Creek, Michigan, and the KVH is in Boston. Both start with the letter “B.” And that would explain nothing, but it appeals to our sense of how the world should be.

The “K” on Planter’s Peanuts belongs to Rabbi Sheldon Goldsmith (NYC). Ditto the “K” on Jell-o brand products.

The “K” on Tabasco is Rabbi N. Greenblatt of Memphis.

Those Dannon Yogurts that have a plain “K” are under the supervision of Rabbi D. Sheinkopf.(Rabbi Sheinkopf is the “famous” marshmallow rabbi.)

Rabbi Z. Charlop (the Bronx) is the “K” of Lipton Iced Tea and Starbucks bottled drinks.

And,finally: The “K” on Columbo yogurt is Rabbi L. Bronstein (Mt. Vernon,NY).

Caveat: We publish this list for your information. The list does not carry any implied endorsement.