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March 26, 2004 at 5:07:07p.m.

We’ve written about Shabbatai Gourmet stuff in the past (last year, just after Passover, in fact), and we want to remind you that when you see these products in the store, run to the display and glom as many as you can. These are the ne plus ultra of Passover cakes. They don’t come any better!

The Wing Dings (yup, just what you think they are) and the meltaway crumbs (“no babka, just crumbs”) are our two big faves, but we have to say there is nothing they make that we do not like. It is the best Passover cake we have ever had.

We have been looking for Shabbatai stuff and had not found any- until today. And where did we find it today? In Teaneck? Nope! In Buda Park, Brooklyn? Nope! On Main Street in Queens? Nope!We found them in, of all places, a bagel store on Staten Island (actually home of NYC’s best bagels, but that is another story for another time). They were rationing the boxes to the customers as a line had formed outside the store! Boys and girls, after shabbes, go look for the Shabbatai Gourmet boxes in your local kosher emporium. You will thank us!

Shabbt shalom to you all.