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Kosher Nexus
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March 11, 2004 at 7:24:23p.m.


?I?m a vegetarian. Do I have to have meat on my Seder plate?? ?I?ve never
made my home kosher for Passover, but would like to. How do I do it?? ?What
do I feed my pets during Passover??

These are among the questions directed to the toll-free Operation Pesach
Passover Information Hotline 1-888-MATZAH1 (1888-628-9241), sponsored by the Union
for Traditional Judaism (U.T.J.) since 1985.

The Passover holiday is often perceived as very complicated. People run to hotels as far away as Hawaii to avoid the hassle?, says Rabbi Ronald D. Price, Executive Vice President of the U.T.J. Operation Pesach takes some of the
mystery out of the holiday preparation, and helps people bring Passover into their home, for a hands-on joyous experience.

No question is too big or small for the experts who staff the Hotline. The Passover Hotline will operate from March 29 through April 5, 2004. Calls will be answered by rabbis, lay leaders and the editor of The Kosher Nexus, a national Kashrut newsletter published by the Union for Traditional Judaism. After hours, recorded messages will be taken and returned the next day. Last year hundreds of calls were answered from 42 states.

The U.T.J. also maintains a national clearinghouse for mehirat chametz, the
sale of leavened products, which is necessary to complete the preparations for Passover. Of course, the preferred method is to do this through your local rabbi. Those who do not have access to a local rabbi should write the
following, sign it and send it to the Union for Traditional Judaism to arrive prior to

April 5, 2004. The text should say: ?I do hereby authorize Rabbi Ronald D. Price or his delegate to sell all chametz of whatever kind in my possession by the 14th day of Nissan, 5764, corresponding to the morning of April 5, 2004?.

Include a list of the places any chametz will be stored during Passover (kitchen, basement etc.). Mail the signed document to: Union for Traditional Judaism, Operation Pesach, 811 Palisade Avenue, Teaneck, NJ 07666. A contribution to the U.T.J. may be included but is not required.

Operation Pesach is sponsored by the Union for Traditional Judaism, a trans-denominational education and outreach organization that supports and encourages traditional Jewish practice among individuals, congregations, institutions,
scholars and religious leaders across the spectrum of the Jewish Community.

Its programs and resources are used by ynagogues, schools and other Jewish institutions. Its goal is to bring the greatest number of North American Jews closer to an open-minded, observant Jewish life.