Today is March 10, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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Loyal readers know that our total fave in the world of kosher sausage are those sausages made by Jack’s Gourmet. We LOVE the sweet Italian. Cooking their brats in beer makes us feel so indulgent. Actually there is not a sausage they make that we do not like!

Now comes FACON. What is it? It is kosher bacon made from glatt kosher beef. It is a total winner, a Kosher Nexus Five Fork winner!

When we tasted it at the Kosher Food Show, we immediately gave Alan (co-owner) a huge hug and kiss. Emes- a huge hug and kiss. The stuff is that fantastic.

We have been kosher for just over 50 years. Deep in the recesses of our taste memory, we still remember the taste of the real thing. Well, boys and girls, this is the real thing except made from beef. No- this is NOT beef fry. This is FACON.

Here is what the company says about the product: ~ Gluten Free ~

“Smoky and salty, this dry-cured beef tastes and cooks up just like the real thing! Whether you serve it atop a juicy burger, sprinkled over a salad or cooked into a pasta sauce, your food will take on a new depth of flavor that will have you coming back for more.”

We are salivating at the thought of a kosher BLT, a Facon wrapped chicken cutlet grilled to perfection, Facon on a burger and Facon and eggs.

Run, don’t walk, to the closest kosher store and buy a whole lot of this really super product. Hats off to the company!