Today is March 10, 2025 / /

Kosher Nexus
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We are in heaven! We finally were able to stock up on Jack’s Gourmet Facon. We wanted to buy out the whole supply, but we had a guilty conscience, and only bought three of the five packages they had.

Home from the store, it was outside to the BBQ grill and OMG! Facon burgers. We had Facon burgers!

Coming up next: grilled chicken cutlets a la Facon. And then Facon and eggs. After that, it will be Facon and Sweet Italian Sausage. Crumbled Facon on salad (no more of those horrible fake bits that leave a really bad after-taste).

We are reviewing all of the recipes we once discarded because they called for bacon. With Facon, there ain’t nothin’ we can’t make!


Run, don’t walk, run to the nearest kosher emporium in your area and stock up on Facon. Or, you can order it on line. It does not matter which way you get it, just get it!

To our good buddy and co-owner Alan- we swear fealty to your company. Just let us know when the pepperoni will be out and our life will be complete!