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Kosher Nexus
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Whoda thunk it?? A certified kosher and vegetarian salt that allows you to make your food taste like its got chazer in it! Certified by the Kof-K no less!

Before we tell you about the product, here is what the company itself says about its kosher supervision: “Yes, there are rabbis out there with enough chutzpah to certify things with bacon in the name as kosher. Fortunately, there is no such thing as eternal damnation in the Jewish faith. If you keep kosher, the good news is that all of J&D’s products are Kof-K certified. Hickory, Peppered, Jalapeno, Maple, Applewood and Mesquite Bacon Salts are Kof-K Parve, while Original, Natural, and Cheddar Bacon Salts along with Regular and Lite Baconnaise are Kof-K Dairy.”

Here is the company’s own version of its history:
Peanut butter and chocolate. Franks and beans. Cookies and milk. Bacon and anything.

It’s that last part that got us going. Bacon goes with just about anything. It’s kind of like a condiment, isn’t it? Except it doesn’t come in a bottle, is hard to cook, and makes an awful mess. Not to mention that it’s not the healthiest thing in the world.

The “aha moment” came at a kosher wedding that Justin was attending in New York. He described the joys of bacon, and that we needed more of it, to a group of people who are restricted from eating it. He said that there should be a bacon condiment, and dubbed it “Bacon Salt.” It wasn’t until much later that we realized that we could actually kosher certify a salt that tasted like bacon.

A few months later, Dave and Justin began trying to make Bacon Salt in Dave’s kitchen by mixing bacon drippings and sea salt together. The results were disastrous. From there, we found some people in the food industry and asked them to tell us everything they knew about how to realize our bacon-driven vision of making a condiment that made everything taste like bacon. Then, with funding from a 3 year old boy, we did it. We made Bacon Salt, a low sodium, zero calorie, zero fat, vegetarian and kosher seasoning that makes everything taste like bacon. At worst, we thought, we’d make something that we’d want to use at every meal. At best, everyone else who loves bacon (which is everyone) would embrace it too.

Today, Bacon Salt comes in a variety of flavors, including Original, Hickory, Peppered and Natural. We also have some Limited Edition flavors which typically come out around the holidays. It’s been shipped to 47 countries and all 50 states. It’s been on Good Morning America, ABC News, Daily Candy, NPR, Fox News, and even graced the pages of World Wrestling Entertainment magazine. And we’re just getting warmed up.

There’s now a Bacon Salt for every occasion, and we think you’ll want them all in your spice cabinet. We love them all, and think you will too.

Original -like a straight bacon punch in the mouth. Best on Eggs, Green Vegetables, Salads, Sandwiches and more. This is Justin’s favorite.

Hickory – a little more smokey than Original, but not in that fake liquid smokey type of way. Potatoes, Steaks, Tomato Soups, Salmon, Cream Cheese Dips and more. This is Dave’s favorite.

Peppered – has a bit of a kick, but it’s not going to knock you out. Put it on Burgers, on your fish, in your Bloody Mary’s, or in your chowder. Sarah’s favorite.

Natural – with no artificial flavors, your potatoes, your pastas and your eggs never tasted so great.

Applewood – ever bite into a slice of smoked Applewood bacon? You’ll have a hard time telling the difference.

Maple – savory and sweet, goes great on chicken and beans. Or your arm.
Cheddar – on popcorn, this is absolutely incredible. That’s all we’re saying.

Jalapeno – like even more heat? You’ll love this. Hot, hot, hot, and bacon, bacon, bacon.

Mesquite – your barbecue will never be the same after you taste this on any grilled meat. Our new addiction!

Check them out on the web at