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Andrea’s Enchiritos

This dish is a mix between an enchilada and a burrito. It’s a fabulous dish and can be made ahead of time and frozen. Try it, I promise you will like it!

First Step — Make the Enchilada Sauce. It’s actually pretty easy and quick.

Enchilada Sauce:

1 tsp dried minced garlic (or 4 cloves, minced)
6 T pareve margarine
9 T Chilli Powder (I use a mixture of different types, including chipolte chili powder)
2 Reg sized cans stewed tomatoes-including liquid (mashed fine)
6 Oz. Tomato paste
2 Cup Vegetable Stock (I use the osem cubes)
2 Cup Water
salt and pepper to taste

Saute garlic in margarine. Add chili powder, stirring well to make a paste. Don’t let this burn — keep stirring! (Have the rest of your ingredients ready to go at this point, right next to you!)

Gradually add the remaining ingredients which have been mixed together prior to this step 🙂 Add this liquid slowly, and stir well. Rather like making a white sauce.

Cook over a medium heat, stirring until desired consistency. Adjust seasonings.

Store in refrigerator

Makes approx 3 cups.


Refried beans — you can do one of three things here:

1. Make your own using pinto beans (recipe follows at the bottom of the this page.)

2. Use canned refried beans. (If you can find kosher ones that is!!)

3. Or do like me, buy canned pintos, season with cumin and garlic and mash well using a Braun mixer!

You will need about 6 to 7 cups of refried beans for this recipe.


12 large flour tortillas
Refried Beans
Shredded Cheese
Sliced Olives
Sliced Green Onions
Enchillada Sauce

1. Dip tortilla in enchilada sauce. Then lay in a foil or glass pan (13 x 9). Spread with about 1/2 cup beans, spinkle a liberal amount of cheese,
olives, onions, whatever else you would like.

3. Roll up and scoot to one side of the pan.

4. Continue until 6 tortillas have been used, and you have a full baking dish! Repeat for second pan of Enchiritos. (This recipe makes 2 pans)

5. Pour Enchilada Sauce over the top, covering completely. Garnish with chopped olives, onions and cheese. (At this point the pans can be frozen, cover well with aluminum foil.)

6. Bake in a 325 degree oven for 45 mins or so, until it is bubbly and very hot!

7. Serve with sour cream.

Refried Beans

2lb of raw pinto beans
1 Chopped Onion
1 stick margarine
minced garlic
chili powder

Soak beans overnight. Cook in a large pot – covering beans all the way, until beans are soft and tender. Add more water if necessary.

To make the refried beans —

Drain the cooked beans well.

In a large fry pan, melt margarine and add onion and garlic. Saute for two or three minutes.

Add drained beans and start to mash. (use a potato masher, or the back of a wooden spoon.) Continue mashing beans are mostly mashed.

Add more margarine if the beans appear too dry.

Add chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper, or your other favorite seasonings. Taste and make adjustments.

This recipe sounds a bit complicated, but honestly, you can do the whole thing in about 90 mins. and it’s so worth it! You’ll have to ask Rabbi Rappoport, he’ll vouch for it!!
